Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happiest of Birthdays

At the year marker for our wedding, we had a celebration to attend. My dear daddy's 55th birthday. We had a lovely dinner at my parents with my aunts, uncles, and Karen (a dear friend of my parents). I am in love with my mom's pork roast and am so disappointed that when Daryl and I attempted to make it a few weeks ago, it didn't turn out "just so" *sigh*. Next time, I swear, I better get it right! The silver lining - I made gravy for the first time ever, and I didn't kill Daryl, it turned out pretty good!

Either way, I made the birthday cake for Daddy-O and it was pretty cute, if I do say so myself. It actually was the tallest cake I've made so far, and has me convinced that if our cake wasn't included in our wedding package, that I'd be able to fend for myself and make the whole thing, not just the topper. But, I am not as crazy as some people think, and I probably wouldn't attempt such insanity the few days leading up the wedding. I plan on being totally set a week ahead of time. So far, so good... 325 days left to change that. LOL

On the Career Path...

The past few months have been a bit of a whirlwind for me, as far as work goes. In late October, I was offered a temporary part time line in Emerg, which I took because of the lack of hours in Medical Imaging. Up until that point, I was simply working on a casual, call-in basis for both departments, and while Emerg had quite a few hours that I was able to cover, MI had none. So when the offer came up I jumped at it.

Well, a month a bit in the pits of hell have made me realize a few things; 1) the human body is resilient and yet, oh so very fragile, 2) suctioning phlegm is probably the grossest noise you will ever hear in your life, and 3) reinstated my certainty that some people are just ridiculously stupid and beyond any help. So when my friend, Wendy, in Medical Imaging told me that she was leaving MI for the Cancer Centre, I was delighted to know that there was a part time line available in my home base. I have since applied and, just today, accepted the position. This will abolish my casual line and I will no long have to depend on call-ins, YAY!

Daryl has been a busy boy too. He spent a few nights out of town the past few months, and has been busy working construction the past month. One of the girls I work with in Emerg, Kristal, has a hubby who works for Delta too (Scott), and our boys have been the construction crew together. This is apparently the same guy that Daryl worked with when he first started at Delta, so four years later and he's made full circle. :oP There is a bit of talk in the works that Daryl will be starting his own maintenance route in the new year, and he's looking forward to that. I am most looking forward to him having his own van and my house being less consumed by tools (I am afraid of my own front closet and laundry room at this point - and I have a huge hate on for wrenches and electrical tape). His work Christmas party was on November 29th and was an entertaining evening. We only stayed for dinner, but the guys he works with are quite amusing. The picture attached was taken before we left (and keep in mind, I am possibly the least photogenic person in the entire world).

The Catastrophe that was the Witch's Costume

This was the first year that Daryl and I have been together that he was actually home for Halloween. At first we were going to boycott the kids and the candy in favour of a quiet night out, but instead, we bought a big ol' bag o' candy and had about 70 kids at our door. The most entertaining part of the evening was getting Jupiter dressed up in her witch's costume. It lasted for about 3 minutes, but was amusing none the less.

Once the kiddies died down a bit, we took our little monster for a walk and checked out the neighbourhood. A lot of people around here decorate for all seasons, not just Christmas, so it was fun to see all the Halloween displays. Jupiter was fascinated by all the ghouls and goblins and ended up running into a stranger's house when he opened the door for a few of them. I was humiliated, I mean, how rude, she wasn't even wearing her costume! :oP