Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Catastrophe that was the Witch's Costume

This was the first year that Daryl and I have been together that he was actually home for Halloween. At first we were going to boycott the kids and the candy in favour of a quiet night out, but instead, we bought a big ol' bag o' candy and had about 70 kids at our door. The most entertaining part of the evening was getting Jupiter dressed up in her witch's costume. It lasted for about 3 minutes, but was amusing none the less.

Once the kiddies died down a bit, we took our little monster for a walk and checked out the neighbourhood. A lot of people around here decorate for all seasons, not just Christmas, so it was fun to see all the Halloween displays. Jupiter was fascinated by all the ghouls and goblins and ended up running into a stranger's house when he opened the door for a few of them. I was humiliated, I mean, how rude, she wasn't even wearing her costume! :oP

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