Saturday, July 4, 2009


Apparently I was mistaken when I thought I had posted the link to Daryl's and my wedding website. So, here it is... Because I'm fearful of the internet, I have a privacy filter attached to the site, so if you want to take a look, you're more than welcome, but you will have to create a 'myWedding' account to get access to it. A pain in the rump, I know, but I hate the idea of strangers creeping around and seeing where/when the wedding is. Not that it would happen, but how weird would it be to have randoms show up at your wedding because the deets were posted online? Paranoia, I know.

Anyhow, this weekend is my first of three working weekends in July (bummer). Daryl is in Trenton with his parents, visiting his sister, Corinne & her hubby, Derek. I was pretty bummed that I couldn't go, especially because I got stuck working instead. But, I was able to get a few things done today, so it wasn't a total loss. Jupiter and I went to the dog park when I got home from work. She's so much fun to watch, she is such a happy dog. I got a couple loads of laundry finished (things were starting to pile up because I was afraid to turn on the dryer for even a moment when it was so hot that last week). Tonight, the plan is to finish the maps/directions and the accomodations inserts for the invites. With only 126 days to go, the date to send out the invitations is fast approaching! I'm excited about how the paper stuff all turned out. They are hand made, right down to having cut the paper to the correct size. They are incredibly simple, kind of plain, but that's what makes me like them so much. I'd like to think I'm not a fussy person, but I do like things to be elegant, simple, and pretty. I think we've been successful so far.

Other DIY projects - the cake topper. It is 100% finished now (I had the characters done, I just needed to create the backdrop for them). It has been delivered to Joanne at JoRa Cakes, and I'm so excited. We went over all the details, and the cake is 100% taken care of. Yay! One last detail to worry about. The next challenge - the groomsmen. Daryl and I have two projects in mind for them. (I hope they don't read this, because it'll ruin it) #1) Personalized beer glasses, and #2) custom cufflinks. I was scavanging Etsy for wedding party gift ideas and found the custom cufflinks that several vendors were selling. I was floored and immediately fell in love. They are so unique, and cute, and fun... all the things I'm hoping our day turns out to be. So, instead of ordering them from vendors, I ordered the cufflink blanks instead, and have decided to make my own. So far, I have a plan for Daryl, his best man, his brother, his dad, and Bryce... the two other groomsmen and my dad have me kind of puzzled, but I will figure out something personal for them soon. The girls' gifts have been partially purchased, and I'm excited about those too. Not as personal, but cutesy and special non-the-less.

The next wedding to-dos are to get the outfits for the guys decided and ordered (I think we'll hold off until August), purchasing of my shoes, and finishing the must-have photos & music list for Barb. These two lists have been my least favourite part of wedding planning so far... besides dress shopping. If I never set foot in another bridal store, it will be too soon (minus the fitting appointments).

Anyhow, Daryl and I did get to spend some time together yesterday. He took Friday off instead of July 1st, so we went to Wonderland. I am a little bit burnt in the facial region, but we had a good day - I'm still totally zonked though. It's amazing how lots of sun and fun take it out of you! So, for the sake of my printing abilities and the hope that the maps/directions turn out properly, I will scamper on.

Hope all is well with you all out there and you had a lovely holiday this past week!

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